Sometimes you may come across a program that offers to generate one
for you. The result is like, "uXoCw2d9r9"
Very nice! No one can guess it . But can you remember it???? Or even
pronounce it??? That is
a useless, stupid password.
What you need is a way to make a word that almost makes sense
but is not really a word. Something like "Ganebigade"
It looks real. It is pronounceable. And most importantly, you can remember
In Away RJN Cryptography, there is such a generator. In fact, as a service
we have reproduced it here
To see some of the worst passwords you can use,
How it Works
Below is the standard Password Generator from Away RJN Cryptography.
Pick a word that would be easy to remember. In fact, pick two words!!
Then attach them together with a random number between. The
more letters and/or characters in a password, the harder it is to hack.
Like this; Wobolowiss 1723 Mohicorems or maybe
this: Vasonesipt 8372 Pekuwanaps
Spaces are good. Use them. Or throw in an asterisk * or two. This is
phenomenal: "Devevuhupe 6842 * 15 Kanimogess"
Include the quotes.
These words look like they might be real so they are easier to remember but impossible to guess.
Using our system to make passwords, you start off with 3.4 billion words. If you use two words then you increase to 1.1 x 10^19 That's 1 followed by 19 zero's!! Add some numbers and it boggles the mind to see where the possibilities go
See our YouTube video, "The Easiest Way to Email an Encrypted Message."
Sofren 74 sure
Sossir 54 mese
Extra Feature!! In our app, you can have the selected Password Googled to confirm that it does not exist.